Qian Yun (钱云)

系所:Ancient Chinese History

职务: full-time postdoctor

联系方式:[email protected]

Courses Taught by Him History of the Relations between Traditional China and Its Neighboring Countries, and Selected Readings about Central Dynasties' Strategies Governing Borderlands and Ethnic Literature
Research Direction The history of ancient Chinese ideology and culture
Personal Profile  
 Work Experience
He has been working at the School of History and Culture of Sichuan University since 2017
 Education Background
2010.09-2015.06   doctoral candidate, Fudan University
2013.10-2014.04   foreign co-researcher, Kyoto University
2006.09-2010.06   undergraduate, Fudan University
Research in Progress
 1)The relations between traditional China and neighboring countries and related theories
 2)The modes and evolution of narration about extraterritorial regions in China's official historical documents